Porty Głębin: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 6: Linia 6:
The heavy rain continues, as the horde of the newly proclaimed King Bruitemail and his advisor Matad, prepare to leave your town. Bruitemail tells you that this reminds him of an orcish legend his mum used to tell:
Ulewny deszcz nie ustaje, gdy horda nowo ogłoszonego króla Bruitemaila i jego doradcy Matada przygotowuje się do opuszczenia miasta. Wtedy Bruitemail przypomina sobie starą legendę orków, która głosi, że:
"When the great leader sacrifices himself, the heavens will start to cry and won't stop until the swamp is everywhere. This marks the return of the Purring Warlord, the divine patron of the Orcs, and the beginning of the glorious Age of Disaster, where Orcs rule the World!"
"Kiedy wielki przywódca się poświęci, niebiosa zaczną płakać i nie przestaną, dopóki wszystko nie zamieni się w bagno. Oznacza to powrót Watażki, boskiego patrona orków i początek chwalebnej Ery Katastrofy, w której orkowie rządzą światem!"
While you wonder if the "Purring Warlord" is the orcish title of Vallorian, reports reach your city that the ongoing rain has caused floods in lower parts of the country, especially some regions close to the sea.
Gdy ty zastanawiasz się, czy „Watażka” to orkowy tytuł Vallorianina, do twojego miasta docierają doniesienia, że trwające opady deszczu spowodowały powodzie w niższych częściach kraju, zwłaszcza w niektórych regionach w pobliżu morza.

Suddenly, there's an earthquake in your town after which, the rain seems to stop. You discover a crack in the ground that quickly fills with water, creating a new lake close to your city. The Orc horde leaves your town.
Suddenly, there's an earthquake in your town after which, the rain seems to stop. You discover a crack in the ground that quickly fills with water, creating a new lake close to your city. The Orc horde leaves your town.

Wersja z 16:43, 22 wrz 2024


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Valloryjska legenda

Ch22 Flag.png

Porty Głębin

Porty Głębin


Ch22 mainbanner.png

Ulewny deszcz nie ustaje, gdy horda nowo ogłoszonego króla Bruitemaila i jego doradcy Matada przygotowuje się do opuszczenia miasta. Wtedy Bruitemail przypomina sobie starą legendę orków, która głosi, że: "Kiedy wielki przywódca się poświęci, niebiosa zaczną płakać i nie przestaną, dopóki wszystko nie zamieni się w bagno. Oznacza to powrót Watażki, boskiego patrona orków i początek chwalebnej Ery Katastrofy, w której orkowie rządzą światem!" Gdy ty zastanawiasz się, czy „Watażka” to orkowy tytuł Vallorianina, do twojego miasta docierają doniesienia, że trwające opady deszczu spowodowały powodzie w niższych częściach kraju, zwłaszcza w niektórych regionach w pobliżu morza.

Suddenly, there's an earthquake in your town after which, the rain seems to stop. You discover a crack in the ground that quickly fills with water, creating a new lake close to your city. The Orc horde leaves your town. Valara arrives shortly thereafter, telling you about a completely destroyed Halflings settlement that was built at the beach, and all inhabitants have gone missing. You fear the worst. While Valara catches her breath, you check out the new lake nearby. To everyone's surprise, a strange submarine that seems to almost fall apart, is spotted in the middle of the lake. What the heck? Is this a whale with a giant backpack!?

Valara recognizes the animal as Kokei, the whale of the Harbour Halflings. When you hear knocking noises and shouts coming from within its "backpack", you quickly send an emergency team to force open its stuck hatch. Halflings come out of it, exhausted, panicking, but also infinitely relieved. Apparently, there are underwater caverns and tunnels below the new lake. The Halflings used them to escape from their home town, which is the one that was destroyed recently by the flood. These Halflings have a somewhat different lifestyle than the Halflings you knew so far. They are fishermen and live in harmony with giant creatures such as the whale Kokei, with whom they travel over and below the seas, hunting fish and searching for sunken resources and treasures.

When the tide came, the villagers took refuge in the large backpack of Kokei, which they call the "Sea Saddle", and tried to escape to higher ground through the underground tunnels that run through the mainland of Elvenar and connect many lakes. But just a few hours after they left, the devastating earthquake struck, which also caused parts of the vault to collapse and severely damaged the submarine. Luckily, Kokei somehow managed to bring them back to the surface in the newly created lake. He is injured, the Sea Saddle is severely damaged, and their home is devastated as well... They are stuck! Of course, you decide to help them out of their misery.

Valara calls for her friends Phinolina and Jolo to help build up a kind of refugee camp - where Kokei can recover, and you can repair the Sea Saddle, while producing the stuff the Harbour Halflings will need to rebuild their village. Jolo, the best known farmer of the "country-side" Halflings, comes up with the idea to produce Canned Goods - to be prepared in case more catastrophes hit your city, and also to provide enough provisions for his friends in need. As soon as Kokei feels better, and you manage to repair the Sea Saddle, the Halflings will start to carefully do dives with it, to collect resources from the caverns and sea, which will greatly speed up their other productions. These trips however, need provisions for the participants (Canned Goods) and of course some food for Kokei. Also, every tour needs another special ingredient for a successful yield, so there is lots of stuff to do!

Eventually, the Sea Saddle can not only be fully repaired, but even improved beyond its original version. You reach the point where the Harbour Halflings feel safe to go back to their village and start rebuilding it. Lady Zaida of the Gourmet Guild arrives at your town, since she heard about the exquisite sea food the Harbour Halflings produce. She offers a variety of very lucrative deals to you, while flirting heavily with your trader.

Meleuka, the Arcanologist disguised as the dragon of Warlady Bashuruk, comes back to your town. She reports that she could secretly save King Diabhal from being sacrificed. She secretly took him to a ship drifting on the sea and left him there. But your oblations to Vallorian made him apparently strong enough to summon floods and earthquakes, which he probably caused in his wrath when he realized that his most precious prey Diabhal had escaped. As there is no way for mortals, not even for powerful Sorcerers, to fight such divine power, she recommends seeking help from the forest god Enar. When Xandra of the Elvenar arrives and dismisses "all the rumours" about the gods, despite all that has happened, Meleuka senses something shady she wants to discuss with Dean Durcu...

Settlement Resources

As usual, a new Chapter introduces new special, specific resources. These special resources are used to unlock new Technologies, produce other Settlement Resources, and to upgrade some buildings of the Chapter itself. Let's see the list of resources, where you can produce them, and their specifications:

  • Ch22 seafood.png Seafood
  • Ch22 fish.png Shore Fish
  • Ch22 fruits.png Kelp Fruits
    • It is produced in the Kelp Farm.
    • It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree and as a production cost option to produce Ch22 sponges.png Sea Sponges in Whale Bay.
  • Ch22 salt.png Cave Salt
  • Ch22 shrimps.png Luminous Shrimps
  • Ch22 snails.png Deep Sea Snails
    • It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
    • It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Ch22 seafood.png Seafood in Fossil Canyon.
  • Ch22 weed.png Lure Weed
    • It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
    • It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Ch22 fish.png Shore Fish in Fishing Spot.
  • Ch22 eels.png Garden Eels
    • It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
    • It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Ch22 fruits.png Kelp Fruits in Kelp Farm.
  • Ch22 sponges.png Sea Sponges
    • It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
    • It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Ch22 salt.png Cave Salt in Desalination Plant.

Canned Goods

Od Rozdziału XXII - Porty Głębin i później, Towary w puszkach Canned goods.png mogą być produkowane w Warsztatach ulepszonych w tym rozdziale.

Workshop UPGtoCannedGoods.png

Opcja produkcji 24h „Skrzynka z narzędziami” zostanie zastąpiona produkcją Towary w puszkach. Do ich produkcji wymagane są Zaopatrzenie i Praca społeczna. Produkcja trwa 9 godzin.

Workshop CannedGoods Production.png

Podobnie jak w przypadku Monet, Zaopatrzenia i Prac społecznych, produkcję Towarów w puszkach można przyspieszyć za pomocą Kultury.

Workshop CannedGoods ProductionBoost.png

Uwaga: Podobnie jak inne zasoby specjalne, Towary w puszkach również ulegają10% rozpadowi podczas nocy.
Uwaga: Chociaż Towary w puszkach zostały wprowadzone w Rozdziale XXII - Porty Głębin, nie są one dostępne wyłącznie w nim, więc od tego rozdziału będą stałym zasobem w grze.


Pamietasz jak w Rozdziale XXI - The Valloryjska Legenda, został wprowadzonyDobrobyt?

  • Prosperity.png Dobrobyt.

Dobrobyt jest dostarczany przez Ratusz, Koszary, Rezydencje and Warsztaty od rozdziału XXI i kolejnych.

Dobrobyt jest potrzebny do zbudowania budynków specjalnych rozdziału. Jeżeli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, odwiedź naszą dedykowaną stronę.

Harbours of the Deep Buildings

Budynki Portów Głębin
Ch22 portal icon.png

Zatoka wielorybów

Ch22 street icon.png

Tymczasowa ścieżka

Kanion Skamienielin

Kanion Skamienielin

Miejsce do wędkowania

Miejsce do wędkowania

Farma Alg

Farma Alg

Zakład odsalania

Zakład odsalania