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Manufactories are a key element of Elvenar. They produce an important resource: Goods!

Goods will be needed for any kind of progress, such as: unlocking technologies, upgrading buildings, quests, and exploring Provinces (if you want to negotiate instead of fight).

There are 9 different Manufactories in Elvenar and you will find them under the "Goods" tab in the Buildings menu.

Goods tab.png

Kategorie Dóbr

Goods are grouped into three categories: Basic Goods, Crafted Goods and Magical Goods.

The Basic Goods can be researched quite early in the Research Tree and are cheap to produce.

Magical Goods will only be available later in the game. Their production is very expensive, but you will need them for higher technologies and exploring distant Provinces.

Kategorie Dóbr
Podstawowe Rzemieślnicze Magiczne
Good marble big.png Marmur Good crystal big.png Kryształ Good elixir big.png Eliksir
Good steel big.png Stal Good scrolls big.png Zwoje Good magic dust big.png Magiczny pył
Good planks big.png Deski Good silk big.png Jedwab Good gems big.png Klejnoty

You can trade all Goods in the Trader, but you will need a lot of Basic Goods to get some Crafted or even Magical Goods.

Przyśpieszenie produkcji

Over the course of the game, you will gain the ability to increase your production of three out of the 9 Goods in the game (one per each category). The three Bonus Goods are assigned randomly at the start and are listed in the Main Hall.

To activate a production boost, you need to unlock its technology in the Research Tree and collect the corresponding Relics on the World Map. The more corresponding Relics you collect, the more your boosts will be upgraded in the Main Hall.


Hint:: As you will have 3 Goods that will be boosted, it is recommended to concentrate your production on those Goods and trade them for the other 6 Goods.You can do so via the Trader.

Building List Elves

Buildings Overview
13 manufactory elves stone 01 cropped.png


14 manufactory elves metal 01 cropped.png


12 Manufactory elves wood 01 cropped.png


16 manufactory elves glas 01 cropped.png


17 manufactory elves paper 01 cropped.png


15 manufactory elves fabric 01 cropped.png


19 manufactory elves elixirs 01 cropped.png


20 manufactory elves magic dust 01 cropped.png

Magic Dust

18 manufactory elves gems 01 cropped.png


Building List Humans

Buildings Overview
13 manufactory humans stone 01 cropped.png


14 manufactory humans metal 01 cropped.png


12 manufactory humans wood 01 cropped.png


16 manufactory human glass 01 cropped.png


17 manufactory humans paper 01 cropped.png


15 manufactory humans fabric 01 cropped.png


19 manufactory humans elixirs 01 cropped.png


20 manufactory humans magic dust 01 cropped.png

Magic Dust

18 manufactory humans gems 01 cropped.png
