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Mainbanner seasonofdreams.png

Sezony to nowy rodzaj długoterminowych wydarzeń zawierających codzienne i cotygodniowe zadania. Każda Sezon ma swój motyw przewodni, na przykład Sezon marzeń.


W ciągu trwania wydarzenia codziennie pojawiają się nowe zadania, które pozwalają zdobyć wspaniałe nagrody. Wypełniając je otrzymujesz sezonowe płatki Seasons xp.png które pozwalają ci robić postępy w zdobywaniu nagród!

Seasons Reward Line.png

Jeśli najedziesz kursorem myszy na okno wydarzenia, zobaczysz przegląd stanu swoich zadań, czas pozostały do końca sezonu oraz aktualny poziom na lini nagród.

Seasons Quest Progress.png

Zadania Dzienne

Seasons tab0.png

Każdego dnia będziesz mieć 4 nowe dzienne zadania do wykonania! Wykonywanie ich zapewni Ci nie tylko sezonowe płatki Seasons xp.png, ale także dzienne klucze Seasons daily keys.png potrzebne do otwarcia dziennej skrzyni, która zawiera wspaniałe nagrody! Aby ją otworzyć, musisz ukończyć wszystkie 4 zadania i zebrać 4 klucze Seasons daily keys.png.

Seasons DQ.png

Opening a Season's event window shows all the information you need to complete the Daily Quests and to be able to collect wonderful prizes:

Seasons DQ Explain.png
  1. The time left until the Season ends.
  2. The Waypoint you are at on the Rewards lane.
  3. Quests Selector: Here you can switch between Daily and Weekly Quests. Make sure you complete them all!
  4. Your Progress to the next Waypoint.
  5. You can purchase your Season Pass here. Use it so you don't miss any Exclusive Rewards!
  6. The Daily Chest: Each completed Quest grants you a Daily Key Seasons daily keys.png that opens a lock, and gets you closer to one of the rewards contained within.
  7. The time you have left to complete the Daily Quests for that day.
  8. The Daily Quests: Here you can check the progress of each Quest. Click on the Info-icon.png to get information on how to complete the Daily Quest.
  9. The amount of Season Petals Seasons xp.png and Daily Keys Seasons daily keys.png you receive upon completing this Quest.
Hint: You can also click the help button to see the help information about the Seasons.

Hovering your mouse over the Daily Chest opens an overview of the rewards inside, as well as the odds of winning them.

Seasons Dchest tooltip.png

When all the Daily Quests are completed, the Daily Chest will open and you may collect a random prize!

Seasons DQ Done.png

When you have completed all 4 Daily Quests you will then need to wait for the next day to receive new Daily Quests to complete. You will always have 4 new Daily Quests every day to complete, so make sure to log in every day so you won't miss any valuable rewards!
After collecting the Rewards, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the Chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Weekly Quests

Seasons tab1.png

Weekly Quests are more challenging, but also grant more Season Petals to progress through the Reward Lane when completed! When selecting the Weekly Quests tab, you have all the information you need to complete the Weekly Quests:

Seasons WQ Explain.png
  1. The time left until the Season ends.
  2. The Waypoint where you are on the Rewards Lane.
  3. Quests Selector: Here you can switch between Daily and Weekly Quests. Make sure you complete them all!
  4. Your Progress to the next Waypoint.
  5. You can purchase your Season Pass here. Use it so you don't miss any Exclusive Rewards!
  6. The amount of refreshes you still have available (Refreshes every week).
  7. The time you have left to complete the Weekly Quests.
  8. The number of Weekly Quests already completed.
  9. The Weekly Quests: Here you can check the progress of each Quest. Click on the Info-icon.png to get information on how to complete a Weekly Quest.
  10. Refresh button: Click here if you want to discard this Quest and want to do another one in its place (You can discard up to 2 Weekly Quests per week).
  11. The amount of Season Petals Seasons xp.png you receive upon completing this Quest.
  12. The Quests Queue: In case you do not complete the current Quests, the next Quests will be put into a queue until the end of the Season. This counter shows you how many Quests are queued.
Hint: You can also click the help button to see the help information about the Seasons.

When you complete all Weekly Quests within the given time frame, there is a cooldown until the a new set of Weekly Quests appears.


Seasons tab2.png

By completing Daily and Weekly Quests, you will receive Season Petals Seasons xp.png which will help you reach Waypoints Seasons level.png on the Rewards Lane and with it collect wonderful prizes!

Progression seasonofdreams.png

In the Reward Lane there are certain Waypoints Seasons level.png that contain more than one reward, at these Waypoints you choose one of the listed rewards.

Seasons Choose Reward.png

After collecting the Rewards, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the Chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.
Please note: If for any reason you do not collect all unlocked Season rewards before the end of a Season, they will be automatically added to your inventory afterwards. For any uncollected rewards that require a choice, at the end of the Season, a choice will be made for you, and one of the reward options for such a Waypoint will be added to your Inventory.

Season Pass

Seasons tab3.png

The Season Pass is an additional benefit for you to collect Wonderful and Exclusive Rewards!

Purchasing the Season Pass will give you 150 Season Petals Seasons xp.png right away, as well as the chance to collect the Reward Lane Exclusive Prizes!

Seasons SP bought.png

The Season Pass will last for the entire duration of the Season it's purchased for. The Season Pass Prizes in the Rewards Lane are easily identified by the golden frame and the Season Pass icon SeasonPass Icon.png.

Seasons SP View.png

Please note: Purchasing the Season Pass does not remove the need for you to attain the Waypoints on the Reward Lane. It is necessary for you to fulfill the Quests to achieve the Season Pass Rewards.