Harbours of the Deep Production Buildings

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Harbours of the Deep Production Buildings

Once you have unlocked the Safe Haven Technology in the Research Tree you will be able to build all the Harbour of the Deep's Production Buildings.

Hint: Be sure to check the amount of Prosperity available before building more than one of the same Production Building.

Fossil Canyon

A water-filled gorge surrounded by steep slopes, where a giant (but peaceful) nautilus collects giant clams and other seafood off the cliffs.


The purpose of the Fossil Canyon is to produce:

  • Ch22 seafood.png Seafood
    • It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree.
    • It can be used as a production cost option to produce Ch22 weed.png Lure Weed in Whale Bay.
  • Ch22 shrimps.png Luminous Shrimps
    • It is the only capped Resource of the Chapter and is used as a production cost to produce all the available resources in the Whale Bay.

To be able to build the Fossil Canyon you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Whale Bay with the Provisional Path.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Pamiętaj: W tym rozdziale należy wziąć pod uwagę ilość Dobrobytu więc upewnij się, że go tyle ile jest potrzebne.Dobrobyt został opisany na naszej dedykowanej stronie.


In the Fossil Canyon you can produce Seafood and Luminous Shrimps. Seafood can be produced using 3 different options. Each production differs in cost, influencing the amount you will receive on collection. Luminous Shrimps have only one production option.

Just like other exclusive productions of the Settlement, this can also be Boosted through certain Ancient Wonders and also through a Settlement Production Bonus which is obtained through a Prosperity Boost factor.


The Fossil Canyon can only be upgraded to level 2. To upgrade Fossil Canyon to level 2 you need to unlock the Safe Haven Upgrades Technology and spend its upgrade costs.

Upgrading Fossil Canyon to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of Resources per production time. So the production will be more efficient!
  2. The amount of Prosperity used by the building, so the production of all settlement resources will be more efficient.

Fossil Canyon Overview
Fossil Canyon Information
Level Wymagania Koszt Korzyści (Regular Production)
Level Rozmiar Czas budowy Prosperity Community Work Basic Sentient Goods Basic Sentient Goods Seafood Luminous Shrimps
Production Time Amount Production Time Amount
1 8x5 24h 18 310 590K - 3h
6h 5400
2 8x5 36h 11 380 - 720K 3h
6h 8000
(*) This 3-hour production option also requires Deep Sea Snails from Whale Bay as a production cost.
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Fishing Spot

A large fishing pond fed with water and fresh fish from a nearby grotto. With a fishing boat and a large net, the Harbour Halfings should be able to catch quite a few fish there. Yummy!


The purpose of the Fishing Spot is to produce:

  • Ch22 fish.png Shore Fish
    • It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree.
    • It can be used as a production cost option to produce Ch22 eels.png Garden Eels in Whale Bay.
  • Ch22 shrimps.png Luminous Shrimps
    • It is the only capped Resource of the Chapter and is used as a production cost to produce all the available resources in the Whale Bay.

To be able to build the Fishing Spot you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Whale Bay with the Provisional Path.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Pamiętaj: W tym rozdziale należy wziąć pod uwagę ilość Dobrobytu więc upewnij się, że go tyle ile jest potrzebne.Dobrobyt został opisany na naszej dedykowanej stronie.


In the Fishing Spot you can produce Shore Fish and Luminous Shrimps. Shore Fish can be produced using 3 different options. Each production differs in cost, influencing the amount you will receive on collection. Luminous Shrimps have only one production option.

Just like other exclusive productions of the Settlement, this can also be Boosted through certain Ancient Wonders and also through a Settlement Production Bonus which is obtained through a Prosperity Boost factor.


The Fishing Spot can only be upgraded to level 2. To upgrade Fishing Spot to level 2 you need to unlock the Safe Haven Upgrades Technology and spend its upgrade costs.

Upgrading Fishing Spot to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of Resources per production time. So the production will be more efficient!
  2. The amount of Prosperity used by the building, so the production of all settlement resources will be more efficient.

Fishing Spot Overview
Fishing Spot Information
Level Wymagania Koszt Korzyści (Regular Production)
Level Rozmiar Czas budowy Prosperity Community Work Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods Shore Fish Luminous Shrimps
Production Time Amount Production Time Amount
1 7x6 24h 18 420 530K - 3h
6h 5400
2 7x6 36h 11 500 - 640K 3h
6h 8000
(*) This 3-hour production option also requires Lure Weed from Whale Bay as a production cost.
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Kelp Farm

A tranquil pond full of climbing plants on which bright spherical fruits grow. The Turtle Dragon Dondorion nibbles on the plants with pleasure... Be quick before he eats the coveted fruit as well!


The purpose of the Kelp Farm is to produce:

  • Ch22 fruits.png Kelp Fruits
    • It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree.
    • It can be used as a production cost option to produce Ch22 sponges.png Sea Sponges in Whale Bay.
  • Ch22 shrimps.png Luminous Shrimps
    • It is the only capped Resource of the Chapter and is used as a production cost to produce all the available resources in the Whale Bay.

To be able to build the Kelp Farm you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Whale Bay with the Provisional Path.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Pamiętaj: W tym rozdziale należy wziąć pod uwagę ilość Dobrobytu więc upewnij się, że go tyle ile jest potrzebne.Dobrobyt został opisany na naszej dedykowanej stronie.


In the Kelp Farm you can produce Kelp Fruits and Luminous Shrimps. Kelp Fruits can be produced using 3 different options. Each production differs in cost, influencing the amount you will receive on collection. Luminous Shrimps have only one production option.

Just like other exclusive productions of the Settlement, this can also be Boosted through certain Ancient Wonders and also through a Settlement Production Bonus which is obtained through a Prosperity Boost factor.


The Kelp Farm can only be upgraded to level 2. To upgrade Kelp Farm to level 2 you need to unlock the Safe Haven Upgrades Technology and spend its upgrade costs.

Kelp Farm Overview
Kelp Farm Information
Level Wymagania Koszt Korzyści (Regular Production)
Level Rozmiar Czas budowy Prosperity Community Work Basic Ascended Goods Basic Ascended Goods Kelp Fruits Luminous Shrimps
Production Time Amount Production Time Amount
1 5x8 24h 18 310 330K - 3h
6h 5400
2 5x8 36h 11 380 - 400K 3h
6h 8000
(*) This 3-hour production option also requires Garden Eels from Whale Bay as a production cost.
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Desalination Plant

An apparatus placed in a saltwater lake that foams up the water, thus skimming the salt from it. And here we go: Precious salt and delicious pure drinking water! What a striking invention!


The purpose of the Desalination Plant is to produce:

  • Ch22 salt.png Cave Salt
    • It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree.
    • It can be used as a production cost option to produce Ch22 snails.png Deep Sea Snails in Whale Bay.
  • Ch22 shrimps.png Luminous Shrimps
    • It is the only capped Resource of the Chapter and is used as a production cost to produce all the available resources in the Whale Bay.

To be able to build the Desalination Plant you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Whale Bay with the Provisional Path.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Pamiętaj: W tym rozdziale należy wziąć pod uwagę ilość Dobrobytu więc upewnij się, że go tyle ile jest potrzebne.Dobrobyt został opisany na naszej dedykowanej stronie.


In the Desalination Plant you can produce Cave Salt and Luminous Shrimps. Cave Salt can be produced using 3 different options. Each production differs in cost, influencing the amount you will receive on collection. Luminous Shrimps have only one production option.

Just like other exclusive productions of the Settlement, this can also be Boosted through certain Ancient Wonders and also through a Settlement Production Bonus which is obtained through a Prosperity Boost factor.


The Desalination Plant can only be upgraded to level 2. To upgrade Desalination Plant to level 2 you need to unlock the Safe Haven Upgrades Technology and spend its upgrade costs.

Desalination Plant Overview
Desalination Plant Information
Level Wymagania Koszt Korzyści (Regular Production)
Level Rozmiar Czas budowy Prosperity Community Work Refined Ascended Goods Refined Ascended Goods Cave Salt Luminous Shrimps
Production Time Amount Production Time Amount
1 6x7 24h 18 420 260K - 3h
6h 5400
2 6x7 36h 11 500 - 320 3h
6h 8000
(*) This 3-hour production option also requires Sea Sponges from Whale Bay as a production cost.
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.